Apartment Modifications/Renovations/Upgrades

Inform Building Manager
If you are planning to undertake any work to your apartment you will need to contact the Building Manager prior to starting any works

Obtain Approval
Most modifications will require approval from the Owners Corporation and some may require approval from the City of Canada Bay Council.

Designs Conditions
There are conditions that are to be adhered to for modifications in Azure. Please contact Building Manager for details.

Provide Details of Works
A written detail of all works must be submitted to the Building manager and/or the Owners Corporation along with any plans or approvals prior to any works commencing.

Contractors Work Hours Permitted, Noisy Works and Notification
Contractors may perform works generally between 7:30 am and 5 pm Monday to Saturday excluding public Holidays. Any loud noisy works must be performed between the hours of 9:00 am & 5:00 pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays and 48 hour’s notice must be issued to building manager so that residents may be notified.

Rubbish and Debris Removal
Any rubbish as a result of the works must be removed from site by the contractors. Debris or rubbish must not be placed in garbage rooms
Common areas must be kept clean at all times and any extra cleaning or repairs required due to damage caused by contractors will be at the expense of the resident.

Further Assistance
Please contact the building manager who will be able to assist you with this process

Building Works, Renovations, Floor Coverings, Etc – By-Law 5, By-Law 12, By-Law 13

  • Notice – You must provide at least 14 days’ notice to the Owners Corporation in order to be able to determine you application.
  • Consent is required – You must obtain consent from the Owners Corporation before undertaking any form of building works. Your request for consent must include all the items listed in by-law 12.4 & 12.5. Depending on the type of works, consent may also be required from the relevant government agencies.
  • Floor Coverings – You must keep floors covered or treated to stop the transmission of noise. You must have prior written approval from the owners Corporation prior to make any changes to the existing floor coverings.
  • Conditions – You must be all conditions and instructions relating to the works being completed which include but are not limited to working hours, removal of debris, noise, etc. and all the conditions listed in By-law 12 and all other relevant By-Laws of Strata Plan 87506.
  • Inner tenancy Walls – Please refer to by-law 13 if you intend to alter or remove an inter-tenancy wall.
  • Compensation for damages – compensate the Owners Corporation for any damage to Common Property caused by you, your visitors or persons doing work or carrying out building works in the building on your behalf.
  • By Laws – You must follow the conditions set out in By-law 5, 12, 13 and all other relevant by-laws for Strata Plan 87506, as well as any other conditions created by the Owners Corporation.

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